Monday, March 2, 2009

When I was young I used to have a large Disney puzzle with over 300 different characters. I loved putting together that puzzle. On the inside of the lid was a diagram with the names of each and every character pictured. I found this puzzle at a local Shopko and went ahead and bought it for memories sake - even though it is nowhere as near as cool as the old puzzle.

I got this map at a homeschool curriculum swap in Deer Park Washington. I absolutely love this map and have probably completed it about 15 times. Each time I end up using the finished map as a way to test my geography skills. For example, I can remove all the countries of Africa and then time myself to see how quickly I can reassemble the continent. It takes me a little under two minutes if I remember correctly.

Now, unfortunately there are some missing pieces. Ah is still a cool puzzle.